Friday, April 12, 2013

Julian Assange launches its own search engine that could "only with Google»

julianWikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has disclosed information about a new search engine, which will be the gateway to library of 1.7 million United States diplomatic cables.

Search engine, named PLUS D (literally "public library United States diplomacy"), includes 250 thousand infiltrated the State Department cables, which were made public during the "Kejblgejta" is a period in the history of the United States, where the diplomatic documents since Henry Kissinger became public.

More than 251 million of these cables is connected to the events or diplomatic relations between States, between 2003 and 2010.

According to available information, Assange confirmed that the documents of the United States State Department placed in PLUS D, already classified and filmed most of it is already available in the United States National Archives Agency.

Assange said that the number of publicly available diplomatic documents is about 2 million, and thus significantly difficult to search for them.

An Australian activist said that PLUS D will facilitate the work of investigative journalists is by using a search algorithm that can "only with Google."


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