The manufacturing unit of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" in Moscow April 18, 2013 year scientific and technical conference was held, with the participation of the technical directors of regional, territorial offices (MEAs) OAO "FGC UES" and the Executive Office of JSC FGC UES. The participants got acquainted with the full range of electrical products being developed at the enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" in Moscow, in Ufa and Zaporozhye (Ukraine), discussed cooperation and delivery of "ELECTROZAVOD" on objects of the Federal grid company.
Specifically for power engineers in enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" is developed and produced the latest power equipment design and manufacture, which uses unique design and technological solutions. The use of modern materials, reliable components ensures a considerable improvement of the basic parameters of the equipment, reducing the over performance, reducing installation and maintenance costs.
In the framework of the Conference guests, accompanied by the management of OJSC «ELECTROZAVOD» visited the production facilities of the Moscow complex and met with technological process of manufacture of transformer and reactor equipment. New production complex «ELECTROZAVOD» in Moscow is one of the largest producers of electrical equipment in Russia. The company offers more than 3.5 thousand types of transformer and reactor equipment. Technological facilities of the plant provide production of power transformers up to 630 Mva for voltage up to 750 kV class and up to 300 MVAR shunt reactors for voltage up to 1150 kV class.
As a result of introduction of new capacities in Moscow, UFA and Zaporozhye "ELECTROZAVOD" holding company has productive and technological capabilities to meet any size of orders from the energy and other sectors of the Russian economy, closing all the required product range of transformer, reactor and switching equipment.
Over the past few years JSC "ELEKTROZAVOD" delivered to JSC FGC UES over 250 units of transformer and reactor equipment with a total capacity exceeding 25000 MBA. The supply of modern equipment produced both for newly constructed facilities and the replacement of obsolete and worn-out your units during reconstruction of existing substations.
Recently, within the framework of the reconstruction and modernisation of the energy complex of Russia between OAO "FGC UES" and JSC "ELEKTROZAVOD" signed a number of agreements on cooperation in the realization of innovative projects for the development of new types of high-voltage electrotechnical equipment. To date, more than a dozen companies are jointly dedicated to innovative projects for the development of the energy sector of the country.
Work is under way on the creation of an intelligent transformer equipped with the appropriate sensors and microprocessor-based registration systems and diagnostic effects with the ability to determine current handling capacity of the transformer. To reduce losses in distribution transformers are being developed by magnetic circuits of transformers with amorphous steel that will reduce losses in 4 times the idle transformers. To reduce losses in electric networks voltage and the power lines company designed for 500 kV substation «Nelym» (Western Siberia-MEA) managed shunt reactor with capacity of 180 MVA. Application of CSR to reduce losses in electric networks and increased reliability of electrical equipment for substations. The company offers to the employees of a fundamentally new device combining functions TRANSREAKTOR and avtotransformatora shunt reactor managed a tire that allows along with reduced electrical energy losses substantially reduce the cost of equipment and the costs for the construction of substations. In order to ensure energy security, the company offers power, transformers, which is fire and explosion, occupy smaller areas at a substation at the expense of direct joining to the distribution device with SF6 isolation.
In General, professionals holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" has developed and mastered in the production of more than 400 kinds of new technology, including:
- transformers for voltage from 110 up to 750 kV and capacity up to 630 MVA for the block with the generators of power plants, including nuclear;
- shunt reactors at 220-1150 kV, including managed, as excessive and performances;
- Auto-voltage class 220, 330, 500, 750 kV power transmission lines for trunk;
- complete transformer substations and Switchgears 6-20 kV, and other advanced equipment for power stations and network businesses.
The pride of the company became Russia's first ultrahigh-voltage transformer for 750 kV power 417 Mva, developed especially for objects of JSC FGC UES. Design and manufacture of this type of equipment marks a new milestone for Russian conquest transformatorostroeniem-mastering of production of domestic high voltage power transformers at 750 kV super high!
Enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" allows not only to produce modern electrical products, but also to take an active part in the development and implementation of large-scale projects for the development of the power industry of the country, the construction of power facilities on a turnkey basis.
The Conference reaffirmed the mutual interest in the development of the Russian electricity network complex, creation of necessary conditions for implementation of projects for development, production of high-tech products and energy on further cooperation in the sphere of innovation.
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