Sunday, July 7, 2013

Apa itu Smartphone

Jika kita mengikuti trend perkembangan zaman maka kita akan sering mendengar kata smartphone, banyak orang yang mengungkapkan tantang smarphone tanpa mengetahui arti pasti dari smartphone itu sendiri. untuk ituk bahasan singkat kali ini kita akan mengartikan tekata smartphone.

smartphone berasal dari kata berbagasa inggris  yakni smart dan phone. smart berarti pintar dan cerdas, sedangkan phone dapat diartikan semagai alat komunikasi. jadi smartphone itu artinya adalah alat komunikasi yang pintar.

pertanyaannya apakah ada saat ini alat komunikasi yang pintar? pintar ngomong sendiri, pintar mengisi baterai sendiri, pintar menelpon sendiri dan lain-lain. saya rasa tidak ada yang demikian semua ponsel saat ini haruslah diperasikan oleh otak manusia atau keinginan manusia, itu berarti tidak ada yang bisa kita sebut sebagai smartphone. baik itu nokia, samsung, smarphone Sony Ericsson, LG, dan lainnya semuanya gak ada yang bisa menciptakan smartphone sesungguhnya.

apa anda setuju? apa anda tahu harga smartphone termurah saat ini? harga tablet termurah? kalu tidak sama saja dengan saya, saya taunya tablet mahal.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jual Susu Kambing Etawa Bubuk

ane lagi mencari produsen jual susu kambing bubuk yang menawarkan produk mereka secara dropship. Mau terjun kebisnis jual susu kambing etawa bbubuk ini dengan serius. kabarnya keuntungan penjualan dari susu etawa ini cukup tinggi karen apermintaan pasar yang juga cukup tinggi. namun samapai sekarang saya belum ketemu dengan produsen yang bersedia diajak kerjasama. Jika anda pembaca dan memiliki produk tersebut, saya bersedia menjual produk anda dengan sistem drop ship, dengan fee keuntungan terserah pada anda yang penting ada.

susu kambing etawa banyak diminati saat ini, mungkin karena banyak orang saat ini yang menginginkan produk susu yang rendah lemak, susu kambing merupakan salah satu susu yang kadar lemaknya rendah. hal ini telah dibuktikan dari berbagai penelitian ilmiah, fakta-fakta tentang susu kambing etawa ini pernah saya baca di sini.

berdasarkan tulisan tersebut maka wajar rasanya jika susu kambing etawa harganya lebih mahal dari susu sapi.

Monday, July 1, 2013

spesifikasi furniture:Desain Meja Makan Persegi Minimalis

singa has sent you a link to a blog:

coba lihat tulisan mengenai meja makan minimalis ini, rasanya ini sebuah meja makan yang akan cocok digunakan di sebuah acara pesta. selain itu desain meja makan ini sangat simple dilengkapi dengan ukuran dan harga penempahan maja makan tersebut

Blog: spesifikasi furniture
Post: Desain Meja Makan Persegi Minimalis

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Harga mesin cuci samsung

harga mesin cuci samsung menjelang lebaran seperti ini kadang naik beberapa ratus ribu, namun demikian jika kita bandingkan dengan harga resmi dari samsung sebenarnya tidak ada sama sekali korelasi antara lebaran dengan kenaikan harga-harga. untuk itu perlu sedikit persiapan lebih cepat membeli mesin cuci samsung yang baru agar harga dapat terkendali dan sesuai perencanaan pengeluran anda.

Disebuah blig tentang mesin saya pernah melihat harga mesin cuci samung yang ditawarkan secara akurat.. saya yakin anda juga membutuhkan harga mesin cuci samsung yang dapat dijadiakan sebaai patoakn untuk tawar menawar harga dengan penjual, jika demikian halnya coba lihat di halaman tersebut atau click here. mudah-mudahan referensi tersebut cukup membantu anda dalam mendapatkan harga mesin cuci samsung terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.

sebenarnya di blog tersebut cukup banyak jenis mesin cuci yang direview harga, spesifikasi kelebihan dan kekurangan sebuah mesin cuci. selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi saja blog tersebut. agar anda bisa lebih cermat dan lenbih mengetahui harga mesin cuci samsung.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

JSC "spring 2006-holding" has developed a draft external electric power supply system of oil fields in the Arctic Circle

Ekaterinburg branch of the FÃO Glavgosexpertiza of Russia "has issued a positive opinion on the project documentation and engineering survey results on the project" development of the oil fields they r. Trebsa and a. Titov. The project was developed by the HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE «Sevzapènergoset′proekt» JSC «SEC» SevZap, «spring 2006-holding. Customer: Llc "Bashnipineft". Work began in the year 2012.

The object is located in the inaccessible areas of the Nenets autonomous area and is intended for an external power supply of the oil fields. R. Trebsa and a. Titov.

The project includes construction of two 110 kV HV LINE length of 40.5 km each, two 220 kV HV LINE length of about 2 km each and two 35 kV HV LINE length of about 1 km each. The line will be in permafrost regions. Approximately 30% of supports VL are installed in plastičnomerzlyh soils, for retention of original technical solution applied to surface footings. Design is a triangular metal beam Foundation, supported by a foundation block 3 of the precast beams for cargo.

The object of two substations with SF6 INSULATED SWITCHGEAR closed: FS 220/110/35 of them. R. Trebsa transformer capacity 2 x 63 MVA SUBSTATION and 110/35/10 kV deposits them. A. Titova transformer capacity 2 x 25 MVA.

Exploration work at the site from January to may 2012 specialists conducted research CENTER «Sevzapènergoset′proekt» JSC «SEC» SevZap. Tells the Chief Yevhen Yevhenovych Ikonskij:

-The complexity of works in Bolshezemelskaya Tundra-the lack of roads; You can only navigate the swamps during the winter. I had to work in difficult conditions of polar night, when frequent storm warnings. After repeatedly working day our vehicles detained for 5-8 hours at the nearest CHECKPOINT due to temporary bans on the movement on the winter road. I want to especially thank drivers who provide uninterrupted delivery people, cargo and fuel, as well as drill teams that quickly followed the delivered amount of drilling in permafrost.

Design implemented by the Division under the leadership of Tatiana substations ISU Viktorovny Shiman and VL Division under the leadership of ISU Maxim Alexandrovich Bodrova.

Facility is planned for the year 2014.

Optima group completed a project for construction of the cable line in Zelenograd

Optima Group announces completion of project to build a cable line 10 kV transformer substation and distribution and two transformer substations in the special economic zone «Zelenograd (playground ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY). Executor of the project as general contractor has Optima Engineering is a structural subdivision of the Optima Group, whose principal activity is the provision of generating, transmission, distribution and consumption of heat and electricity on the basis of modern energy technologies.

The main objective of the project was to provide electricity to the residents of special economic zone "Zelenograd. Cable line construction was carried out under the strict supervision of the construction of the Moscow City Department of civil engineering and integrated territorial development. In the course of the project Optima Engineering was working on the construction of a complex object, consisting of three surface installations with a capacity of 10 kV electrical installations. In the works are more than 10 km of the power cable and installed two cameras. Built cable line is connected to the power station with capacity of 110 kV "era".

A full cycle of works includes earthworks, delivery of the equipment of leading European manufacturers (Sshneider Electric, ABB), equipment and Assembly, adjustment, adjustment of the working draft of the construction, the design and implementation of an automated information-measuring system of commercial account of electric power (AIISKUÈ), as well as robot system (tm). Optima Engineering also claimed warranty was completed and delivered to the facility. It should be noted that this pattern of interaction allows the customer to make acceptance of the executed works and subsequent after-sales service.

"The opportunity to apply our project experience at such a sensitive site like playground ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, Zelenograd" special economic zone ", said a vote of confidence on the part of industry to the decisions taken by the Optima and accumulated experience we have," said Group Vice President Boris Balikoev Optima energy. – This is particularly important in the context of the fact that one of the important spheres of the special economic zone «Zelenograd is the development of energy-saving technologies.

OAO "FGC UES" supports the global scientific community

In Chelyabinsk started the shop for repair of transformers ' branch of Idgc of Urals "Chelyabenergo": on the eve of the energy sent the first batch of repaired and ready-to-use transformers with assigned numbers, solemnly 001 002 and 003 home-Sosnovsky REFS.

In the structure of the energy companies created a new unit to overhaul service transformers (-). A new workshop, organized by the Department of the production-based Central electric networks "will serve the mains throughout the complex responsibilities of the branch" Chelyabenergo ", carrying out major repairs of power transformers, which will significantly reduce costs and reduce the time the overhaul. Energy have the necessary technological equipment; prepared and trained staff.

Power transformers is the main link in the scheme of electricity supply to consumers, their quality and timely maintenance and repair of power system's success depends on the whole. Before the repairs were performed inclusively transformers, now agreed to better utilize "Chelyabenergo" resources to ensure a unified approach to maintenance and repairs the repair programme of Idgc of Urals.

«All new is well forgotten old-says the Deputy Director on technical issues, the Chief Engineer of the branch of Idgc of Urals "Chelyabenergo" Aleksey Mlotok. – The creation of a new structure, an analysis of past experience of energy companies, as well as the experience of our colleagues from neighbouring branches "Sverdlovenergo" and "Permenergo". Only until the end of 2013, the new shop will repair the transformers of all dimensions of 95, the real savings will amount to 2 million 560 thousand rubles.