Ekaterinburg branch of the FÃO Glavgosexpertiza of Russia "has issued a positive opinion on the project documentation and engineering survey results on the project" development of the oil fields they r. Trebsa and a. Titov. The project was developed by the HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE «Sevzapènergoset′proekt» JSC «SEC» SevZap, «spring 2006-holding. Customer: Llc "Bashnipineft". Work began in the year 2012.
The object is located in the inaccessible areas of the Nenets autonomous area and is intended for an external power supply of the oil fields. R. Trebsa and a. Titov.
The project includes construction of two 110 kV HV LINE length of 40.5 km each, two 220 kV HV LINE length of about 2 km each and two 35 kV HV LINE length of about 1 km each. The line will be in permafrost regions. Approximately 30% of supports VL are installed in plastičnomerzlyh soils, for retention of original technical solution applied to surface footings. Design is a triangular metal beam Foundation, supported by a foundation block 3 of the precast beams for cargo.
The object of two substations with SF6 INSULATED SWITCHGEAR closed: FS 220/110/35 of them. R. Trebsa transformer capacity 2 x 63 MVA SUBSTATION and 110/35/10 kV deposits them. A. Titova transformer capacity 2 x 25 MVA.
Exploration work at the site from January to may 2012 specialists conducted research CENTER «Sevzapènergoset′proekt» JSC «SEC» SevZap. Tells the Chief Yevhen Yevhenovych Ikonskij:
-The complexity of works in Bolshezemelskaya Tundra-the lack of roads; You can only navigate the swamps during the winter. I had to work in difficult conditions of polar night, when frequent storm warnings. After repeatedly working day our vehicles detained for 5-8 hours at the nearest CHECKPOINT due to temporary bans on the movement on the winter road. I want to especially thank drivers who provide uninterrupted delivery people, cargo and fuel, as well as drill teams that quickly followed the delivered amount of drilling in permafrost.
Design implemented by the Division under the leadership of Tatiana substations ISU Viktorovny Shiman and VL Division under the leadership of ISU Maxim Alexandrovich Bodrova.
Facility is planned for the year 2014.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
JSC "spring 2006-holding" has developed a draft external electric power supply system of oil fields in the Arctic Circle
Optima group completed a project for construction of the cable line in Zelenograd
Optima Group announces completion of project to build a cable line 10 kV transformer substation and distribution and two transformer substations in the special economic zone «Zelenograd (playground ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY). Executor of the project as general contractor has Optima Engineering is a structural subdivision of the Optima Group, whose principal activity is the provision of generating, transmission, distribution and consumption of heat and electricity on the basis of modern energy technologies.
The main objective of the project was to provide electricity to the residents of special economic zone "Zelenograd. Cable line construction was carried out under the strict supervision of the construction of the Moscow City Department of civil engineering and integrated territorial development. In the course of the project Optima Engineering was working on the construction of a complex object, consisting of three surface installations with a capacity of 10 kV electrical installations. In the works are more than 10 km of the power cable and installed two cameras. Built cable line is connected to the power station with capacity of 110 kV "era".
A full cycle of works includes earthworks, delivery of the equipment of leading European manufacturers (Sshneider Electric, ABB), equipment and Assembly, adjustment, adjustment of the working draft of the construction, the design and implementation of an automated information-measuring system of commercial account of electric power (AIISKUÈ), as well as robot system (tm). Optima Engineering also claimed warranty was completed and delivered to the facility. It should be noted that this pattern of interaction allows the customer to make acceptance of the executed works and subsequent after-sales service.
"The opportunity to apply our project experience at such a sensitive site like playground ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY, Zelenograd" special economic zone ", said a vote of confidence on the part of industry to the decisions taken by the Optima and accumulated experience we have," said Group Vice President Boris Balikoev Optima energy. – This is particularly important in the context of the fact that one of the important spheres of the special economic zone «Zelenograd is the development of energy-saving technologies.
OAO "FGC UES" supports the global scientific community
In Chelyabinsk started the shop for repair of transformers ' branch of Idgc of Urals "Chelyabenergo": on the eve of the energy sent the first batch of repaired and ready-to-use transformers with assigned numbers, solemnly 001 002 and 003 home-Sosnovsky REFS.
In the structure of the energy companies created a new unit to overhaul service transformers (-). A new workshop, organized by the Department of the production-based Central electric networks "will serve the mains throughout the complex responsibilities of the branch" Chelyabenergo ", carrying out major repairs of power transformers, which will significantly reduce costs and reduce the time the overhaul. Energy have the necessary technological equipment; prepared and trained staff.
Power transformers is the main link in the scheme of electricity supply to consumers, their quality and timely maintenance and repair of power system's success depends on the whole. Before the repairs were performed inclusively transformers, now agreed to better utilize "Chelyabenergo" resources to ensure a unified approach to maintenance and repairs the repair programme of Idgc of Urals.
«All new is well forgotten old-says the Deputy Director on technical issues, the Chief Engineer of the branch of Idgc of Urals "Chelyabenergo" Aleksey Mlotok. – The creation of a new structure, an analysis of past experience of energy companies, as well as the experience of our colleagues from neighbouring branches "Sverdlovenergo" and "Permenergo". Only until the end of 2013, the new shop will repair the transformers of all dimensions of 95, the real savings will amount to 2 million 560 thousand rubles.
Inspect both in Kolènergo during spring floods
In the Executive Office of OAO «kubanenergo» was held a training seminar on risk management, which was attended by heads of structural divisions of the company, technical, economic, legal, HR and PR blocks.
Seminar for managers on risk management was conducted pursuant to the decisions of the Board of OAO «kubanenergo» and «organized with the support of training center «kubanenergo» within the framework of the implementation of the plan of training Companies in the year 2013.
Training course has renowned expert, recognized expert in the field of consulting and professional services, head of consulting group neo Centre Andrew Shishakov.
The managers received new search answers to questions: how to develop the scope of risk management in a society that needs to be done for its introduction into corporate governance. On completion of the course, training session had been held during which participants were able to develop and present their models of development of the company and address common risk situations and improving corporate governance.
Representatives of the regional offices of the Federal grid company gathered for scientific-technical conference organised by "electrozavod" holding company in Moscow
The manufacturing unit of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" in Moscow April 18, 2013 year scientific and technical conference was held, with the participation of the technical directors of regional, territorial offices (MEAs) OAO "FGC UES" and the Executive Office of JSC FGC UES. The participants got acquainted with the full range of electrical products being developed at the enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" in Moscow, in Ufa and Zaporozhye (Ukraine), discussed cooperation and delivery of "ELECTROZAVOD" on objects of the Federal grid company.
Specifically for power engineers in enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" is developed and produced the latest power equipment design and manufacture, which uses unique design and technological solutions. The use of modern materials, reliable components ensures a considerable improvement of the basic parameters of the equipment, reducing the over performance, reducing installation and maintenance costs.
In the framework of the Conference guests, accompanied by the management of OJSC «ELECTROZAVOD» visited the production facilities of the Moscow complex and met with technological process of manufacture of transformer and reactor equipment. New production complex «ELECTROZAVOD» in Moscow is one of the largest producers of electrical equipment in Russia. The company offers more than 3.5 thousand types of transformer and reactor equipment. Technological facilities of the plant provide production of power transformers up to 630 Mva for voltage up to 750 kV class and up to 300 MVAR shunt reactors for voltage up to 1150 kV class.
As a result of introduction of new capacities in Moscow, UFA and Zaporozhye "ELECTROZAVOD" holding company has productive and technological capabilities to meet any size of orders from the energy and other sectors of the Russian economy, closing all the required product range of transformer, reactor and switching equipment.
Over the past few years JSC "ELEKTROZAVOD" delivered to JSC FGC UES over 250 units of transformer and reactor equipment with a total capacity exceeding 25000 MBA. The supply of modern equipment produced both for newly constructed facilities and the replacement of obsolete and worn-out your units during reconstruction of existing substations.
Recently, within the framework of the reconstruction and modernisation of the energy complex of Russia between OAO "FGC UES" and JSC "ELEKTROZAVOD" signed a number of agreements on cooperation in the realization of innovative projects for the development of new types of high-voltage electrotechnical equipment. To date, more than a dozen companies are jointly dedicated to innovative projects for the development of the energy sector of the country.
Work is under way on the creation of an intelligent transformer equipped with the appropriate sensors and microprocessor-based registration systems and diagnostic effects with the ability to determine current handling capacity of the transformer. To reduce losses in distribution transformers are being developed by magnetic circuits of transformers with amorphous steel that will reduce losses in 4 times the idle transformers. To reduce losses in electric networks voltage and the power lines company designed for 500 kV substation «Nelym» (Western Siberia-MEA) managed shunt reactor with capacity of 180 MVA. Application of CSR to reduce losses in electric networks and increased reliability of electrical equipment for substations. The company offers to the employees of a fundamentally new device combining functions TRANSREAKTOR and avtotransformatora shunt reactor managed a tire that allows along with reduced electrical energy losses substantially reduce the cost of equipment and the costs for the construction of substations. In order to ensure energy security, the company offers power, transformers, which is fire and explosion, occupy smaller areas at a substation at the expense of direct joining to the distribution device with SF6 isolation.
In General, professionals holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" has developed and mastered in the production of more than 400 kinds of new technology, including:
- transformers for voltage from 110 up to 750 kV and capacity up to 630 MVA for the block with the generators of power plants, including nuclear;
- shunt reactors at 220-1150 kV, including managed, as excessive and performances;
- Auto-voltage class 220, 330, 500, 750 kV power transmission lines for trunk;
- complete transformer substations and Switchgears 6-20 kV, and other advanced equipment for power stations and network businesses.
The pride of the company became Russia's first ultrahigh-voltage transformer for 750 kV power 417 Mva, developed especially for objects of JSC FGC UES. Design and manufacture of this type of equipment marks a new milestone for Russian conquest transformatorostroeniem-mastering of production of domestic high voltage power transformers at 750 kV super high!
Enterprises of the holding company "ELEKTROZAVOD" allows not only to produce modern electrical products, but also to take an active part in the development and implementation of large-scale projects for the development of the power industry of the country, the construction of power facilities on a turnkey basis.
The Conference reaffirmed the mutual interest in the development of the Russian electricity network complex, creation of necessary conditions for implementation of projects for development, production of high-tech products and energy on further cooperation in the sphere of innovation.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Fake websites and forums. Continued
Cheers!!! We have summer in Astana, as you have the weather? Olga (name of my wife) collects Eve (daughter) for a walk. While Eve was screaming something in there I recorded the video, like cut out but can someone and hear .
News 1. Yesterday finished up all the links to the course "Computer Wizard himself. Just turns out about 70 references, not a little . As you know some site may delete or change the link, and then this page is not available, just not in this video. If there are problems with any reference, by writing to customer support (already in the work) links will be working with the wave of a magic wand
News 2. The video is on the DVD and in electronic form. You can buy immediately or naložkoj-to you will send my drive and then only on its mail his pay.
That's all there is to it. See you soon!
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Saturday, April 13, 2013
How to remove Punto Switcher
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What happens if you don't activate Windows 7
Hello dear readers! Let's imagine your computer purchase . Today is your day. You went to a computer shop and bought the first computer in your life. You really don't know anything else, while aware that there is such a thing called an operating system without the system your new computer just a bunch of useless iron and boards. So you've heard that one should activate the system, and that's what will happen if you choose not to activate Windows 7?
Immediately I say that absolutely no good. Why Windows 7? Because today is the most popular Microsoft development. "XP" and "Vista" is slowly fading, and eight still undergoing testing.
And here you have a computer at home. The operating system is already installed on it, but it is a so-called "Demo: Windows Starter or Starter. Under the arrangement with Microsoft, this version is installed on all computers and when you purchased your computer it comes for free. But not always!
It is activated when you purchase, but this version is likely a "stripped-down". You again went to a computer shop and purchased a licensed version «Home Basic, Home Premium, "or even" Ultimate ". You managed to install it, but then the question: "what if you choose not to activate Windows7?".
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Fake websites and forums
PS: soon will begin selling video courses "Computer Wizard" himself. In order not to miss the good discounts, click on the link and find out how to get them.
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Search in folder
Hello! He worked at the computer today and caught myself thinking that some users are unable to quickly find the document in this folder when 100 or more files. You can of course use the search, but that is a matter for each. To record video on this topic.
The day before yesterday night from their parents, it was a lot of work, and Eve was screaming the House down. Fever 37 and two hours couldn't knock down. Teeth. .. Constantly trying to scratch your gums, hands already all wet . Bought a toy from water to cesala, but does not want to. Today Olga went to a pharmacy and bought some gum, which put on the finger, and at the end of the small rubber fibril. I hope to somehow help. We are not helping, she let the card as it is convenient. Don't even know what to do, be patient and not take the easy way out with her.
See you soon!
To receive the latest articles to your email inbox, please enter your e-mail:
Regards, Alexander Kozlov
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Assad: "crisis in Syria represents the end of the world" odopolârnogo
In a recent interview, Syrian President Al-Assad said that the crisis in Syria is an end to the unipolar world in which the rule of the United States.
In a television interview to the Turkish channel Ulsal Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad stressed that the creation of the BRIX is a signal to the world that the United States can no longer be the only global power, and that other countries should bear in mind the opinions and interests of the countries the BRICS. He also noticed that the BRICS nations do not support it the Government or the Syrian State as such, but rather contribute to the preservation of stability in the region.
Al-Assad has stressed that there is need to be fully aware that if the crisis will lead to the disintegration of Syria, or if a country filled with terrorists, the crisis will inevitably result from neighbouring countries.
Al-Assad's statement that the rise of the BRICS countries implies the end of the unipolar world dominated by the United States, appeared shortly after the BRICS Summit 2013 year in Durban, South Africa.
Shortly after the Summit, the Western mass media organized a campaign to discredit the South African President Jacob Zuma, by painting him as a potential war criminal because of the involvement of the South African army in the Central African Republic (car), when attempting to assist the Government and the army of the CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC assistance in preventing a military coup supported by the West, 13 South African soldiers were killed.
A coordinated campaign against the BRICS Summit 2013 host, South African President Jacob Zuma, has forced the international law expert Alexander Mezâeva to voice their fears that the West supported the military coup attempt in the Central African Republic was probably a kind of preparation for the military coup in the Republic of South Africa.
There is general agreement among analysts that the increased self-confidence of BRICS bloc hints at the end of the unipolar world, where the rule of the United States. Whether the world is approaching a global currency war, and whether the world will erupt into open conflicts and direct confrontation between the two blocs, yet totally undefined, and at the moment it is difficult to judge.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Against the background of rising confidence in the dragmetallam and reduce faith in the dollar States promote legitimization of ingots
(Bloomberg), distrust of the Federal Reserve system, and concern that the United States dollar could lose value, pushing more than a dozen States to recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender.
For Utah, which in the year 2011 as the currency allowed the use of bullion coins, followed by Arizona. Similar bills advance in Kansas, South Carolina and other States.
Professor of political science at the University of Central Oklahoma Lauren Gatč said that these measures can be considered rather symbolic — in Utah for gold products still cannot pay. They reflect the continuing concern about the dollar, increasing the FED'S unconventional measures in recent years to stabilize the economy.
"These laws indicate broad monetary policies, and the fact that Bernanke is doing," said Gatč. "There is concern that the Government, along with the FED'S Bernanke or follow a policy which will lead to the collapse of the dollar. That's what is behind all this. "
In Texas politics at the local level are considering measures to create the Texas repository for storing gold bullion worth nearly a billion dollars in a bank vault in New York City. Gold is owned by Utimco (University of Texas Investment Management Co.), which in the year 2011 has guaranteed shipment 6.643 bullion amid fears that demand would exceed supply.
Utah State law applies only to the United States produced coins, while other States had not quite decided yet so fit, privately minted coins.
A supporter of the Bill, Senator Chester Krandell said, "I think worth looking at what is going on, the weight of money that the FED prints, and in my opinion, anyone should start to worry. Gold and silver are used for a long time, people they know, and we must give them the opportunity to use them. "
Julian Assange launches its own search engine that could "only with Google»
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has disclosed information about a new search engine, which will be the gateway to library of 1.7 million United States diplomatic cables.
Search engine, named PLUS D (literally "public library United States diplomacy"), includes 250 thousand infiltrated the State Department cables, which were made public during the "Kejblgejta" is a period in the history of the United States, where the diplomatic documents since Henry Kissinger became public.
More than 251 million of these cables is connected to the events or diplomatic relations between States, between 2003 and 2010.
According to available information, Assange confirmed that the documents of the United States State Department placed in PLUS D, already classified and filmed most of it is already available in the United States National Archives Agency.
Assange said that the number of publicly available diplomatic documents is about 2 million, and thus significantly difficult to search for them.
An Australian activist said that PLUS D will facilitate the work of investigative journalists is by using a search algorithm that can "only with Google."
To destroy the enemy AIR FORCE drone and boats use the United States military lasers
The following year the American naval forces plan to deploy a system of laser weapons on a ship in the Gulf war to shoot down drones and oncoming speedboats.
Weapons, named simply "Laser weapon system (LAWS), looks like a small telescope, but in fact is a serious weapons capable of tracking moving targets and destroy them using a laser beam, strong enough to burn holes in steel armor.
The video with the United States NAVY conducted tests last summer off the coast of California, shows how a laser beam fired from military cruisers, managed to set fire to the approaching unmanned aircraft and forced it to fall into the ocean.
The laser beam is invisible to the naked eye, as it is in the infrared portion of the spectrum.
Many details of the laser is kept secret, for example – what is its effective range, powerful or how much energy is required to power it. But Navy officials have announced some non-classified details.
According to them, the Navy has spent on developing these weapons, about 40 million dollars over the last six years.
Rear Admiral Thomas Eccles reported that the beam can be turned on instantly, and that "the generation of energy is a virtual store with an infinite number of charges".
Building on previous tests, the Navy is confident that the laser is ready for full deployment aboard the USS Ponce "in the Persian Gulf. The choice fell on this ship, since its mission is to provide a presence in the Gulf to combat Iranian naval threat in the region. By coincidence the same circumstances, Iran uses the mosquito fleet to izmatyvaniâ American vessels in the waters of the Gulf.
Rear Admiral Matthew Klander, head of the Office of Naval Research, said that "these weapons should send a message to some potential enemies, that they should think twice before trying to do harm to the American courts, since LAWS can quickly destroy the enemy boats and UAVs.
And although the laser is mainly used against slow moving drone and boats, at an average speed of 50 knots, the NAVY in the future United States see the potential to destroy the system much faster.
In the United States have reported the disappearance of at least half of the entire population of bees
Scientists and beekeepers are perplexed by the collapse of bee colonies Syndrome (CCD), which is characterized by the sudden disappearance of hive populations work.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States, CCD symptoms include lack of or limited the presence of adults, however, the presence in hives of honey bees and immature, which implies the sudden abandonment of the Beehive adult bees. Be that as it may, the bees are found nowhere else, they just disappear and die somewhere.
Normally, the uterus does not drop out, and being able to create a new population, she dies.
Syndrome with 1970 's greatly reduces the population of bees, and with them disappear the year 2006 has skyrocketed. Now, going back to their hives to prepare them for spring pollination phase, found that at least half of their vanished bees.
The year 2013 marks the biggest bee populations, which have reported at least a 50 percent loss of all European honey bees in the United States.
Bee population decline was generally 5-10 per cent annually. After 2006, this rate has increased by approximately one third. This year, it is half of the entire population.
Casualty rates in 50 percent are critical, after which, as they say, it will have already bee influence on prices.
Bees are important because they pollinate most of fruits and vegetables. They also produce honey, is widely used as a sweetener when cooking pastries and many other products.
Some beekeepers blamed pesticides, especially a class known as neonikotinoidy. Neonikotinoidy are a form of kblokiruûŝie pesticides in insects, nerves paralyzing them so that they slowly starve to death. Beekeepers believe their bees are exposed to the pesticide and die as a result.
Others believe that the causes can be a more complex combination of natural and human factors.
While the cause remains undetermined, implications and already there are clear. Sharp decline in populations of bees means less pollination of crops. This means less food and rising prices for fruits and vegetables near the end of the year.
It is time to move to Russia?
Who would have thought that Communist Russia to become Christian, and once-Christian West will turn into a hotbed of atheism? But now it's becoming a reality.
While the West is tidal wave of homosexuality, Russian President Vladimir Putin and children rights Commissioner Pavel Astakhov took a bold step in the implementation of the new law is expected to come into force in July is about the prevention of adoptions of Russian children of homosexual couples.
While the consequences of homosexual relations were not properly explained and understood in the West, not least thanks to our corrupt Liberal Government and the media — in Russia is generally accepted and proven fact that grown children learn bad homosexual couples to have health problems and eventually become moral cripples. Perhaps it is time to collect things and move to Russia?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
In Britain are celebrating the natural death of Thatcher
After yesterday's reports of the death of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in London, Glasgow and Bristol began spontaneously arise public celebration.
In front of the Ritzy cinema in Brixton gathered hundreds of people who have discovered the champagne, burned images of Thatcher and chanted "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie is dead, dead, dead."
In Brisbane noted the death of 200 people gathered Thatcher, which resulted in clashes with police in which six policemen were affected. Celebrations with drinking and were on the streets of Glasgow.
Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone said, "she has created today's housing crisis, because it has the banking crisis, it has created a crisis breaks.
In fact, every serious problem we face today is a legacy of the fact that it was fundamentally not right ", he concludes.
"We have long waited for the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher, and I can't say that I'm sorry. I am on it and will cause to not tear, "said General Secretary of the National Union of miners Chris Kitchen.
The Guardian editorial on Thatcher's death concludes "her legacy was to divide society, personal selfishness and the cult of greed".
In a column in The Daily Beast, singer Morrissey said: "as of the recording of the fact it can be argued that Thatcher was terror without a single atom of humanity."
A Labour Party spokesman said: "the [labor leader] Ed Miliband strongly condemned any commemoration of the death of Lady Thatcher. As he made clear yesterday, she was a major figure in British politics and on the world stage. Although the labour party did not agree with much of what she has done, we can respect her personal achievements. "
Anti-tètčerovskie celebrations planned for this week, will take place at the weekend with a celebration in Trafalgar Square in London.
The local currency, or how people value
Twenty years ago, I started to print money. Soon after, the residents of Ithaca, n.y., began exchanging the coloured paper money bearing children, waterfalls, streetcars and bugs. Since then, the turnover among the thousands of people and more than 500 enterprises amounted to millions of dollars, the equivalent in Ithaca HOURS. For hours, you can buy everything that is bought for dollars: food, housing, land, healthcare and entertainment.
At first when it was new, many were skeptical. But almost immediately, hundreds of people willingly joined the list of trade exchange.
For example, these additional funds have proved their strength by strengthening local enterprises, create jobs and increase revenues from sales taxes. Each hour is valued at $ 10/hour, or an hour of labor. Professionals can request several hours per hour of work, or to assign a fair price for your work. The clock was not intended to replace the dollar, to make up for the shortage of dollars. The extra money the community that promote skills and ability, not required economies were the main incentive for entrepreneurship and job creation. There were other benefits. More than 100 community groups have received grants in hours, and were given interest-free loans of up to $ 30,000.
But the biggest advantage of local money was bringing residents together, they get to know each other, became friends and political allies. WATCH easy to unite people, whereas dollars are often run by people. As the paper turns into money? For example, national currency banknotes, need network and broker service providing reliable and balanced treatment. Therefore, for each of the local currency is required at least one professional serving the network. My main activity as the organizer of the system CLOCK was brought in to new skills, the publication of the bimonthly City Directory, HOURS and assist people in spending money earned.
Why Watch? Because WATCHES are reliable as a clock, because the minutes are not stretched or compressed. And everybody has more hours than gold.
Nowadays, however, the popular online trading of domestic credit. In many American towns people earned and spent "time dollars". In world trade are based on the system time as TimeRepublik and E, BitCoin-Flux.
But I think the paper money with local emblems emphasize local pride. What is a country without a flag, without the logo, or the local trade without recognizable symbols?
Does the community as paper money, electrons or metal, to successfully issue needs constant promotion. Floor CLOCKS entered the everyday speech of residents of Ithaca with hundreds of stories in national news stories and thousands of local debate. Catalog city HOURS published 300 local "success stories" of satisfied business traders. In five years, practically all realized that is the hour, and are willing to join it. The kids all thought of printing money.
Ability to create "his" money always is in any major city. It is also possible to trade the currency, for example, ArtCash will help the development of Arts and crafts; MediCash will make more diverse health care; NegaWatts will contribute to economical use of energy.
Green America's economy also merits its own money used for the purpose of ecology and social justice. Such loans may not yield fast profits stimulate green markets that have long skirted the side of big investors: rational use of energy and upgrading, crops growing in an urban context, cooperation in health, zemlebitnye houses and urban transport.
Commissioning of special money, and with them and ourselves, opens up possibilities for correction of civilization. When we take control of the money, we the people, are the owners of the treasure, and themselves become treasure.
Holland lifted the ban on the Organization of pedophiles
Martijn Uittenbogaard head Martin foundation
A Dutch appeals court lifted the ban on the organization that lobbies sexual relationships between adults and children, after coming to the conclusion that it does not violate any of the laws in force in the Netherlands.
Last year, the civil court in the north-eastern city of Assen decided to dissolve Within the Fund, stating that his position was "a serious affront to the values of our society."
But according to Dutch News site, Court of appeal in Leeuwarden loans decided that organization that asserts that it is not engaged in propaganda of sexual abuse, and insists on being a "platform for discussion of paedophilia, can not be outlawed, because its existence is no threat to society.
The Court agreed with arguments that the lobbying organization, paedophilia, really went against "certain principles of the Dutch criminal justice system", but referred to the fact that the company has enough power to counter such "undesirable statements and disgusting behavior", not banning them.
And although some of its members were sentenced to imprisonment on articles providing for liability for child pornography, the Court considered that the words and pictures on the website do not violate any laws.
Chapter organization Martijn Uittenbogaard said that 60 members of the Association will hold a meeting to decide on further action.
Christian organizations said they would continue their attempts to change the law and ban associations whose activity causes in the country wide protest.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The campaign is gaining momentum for withdrawal of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize, President Obama got 40 months ago, proved to be the most appalling oruèllianskoj a reward of this century. No, war is not peace.
George Carlin (American comedian, actor and writer; CA. mixednews.ru) loved to improvise with oksûmoronami like "cumbersome nobodies", "genuine imitation," "political science" and "mind war". But the humor becomes visel′nym when we consider the absurdity and tragedy to commemorate the world peace prize to her very first host of the wars.
The process of challenging that decision this week began with petitions requiring the Norwegian Nobel Committee to deny Obama the peace prize. By midnight of the first day of the signature under it left about 10 thousand people. The online petition is Nobel Prize Committee simply stated: "I kindly request you to annul the Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to Barack Obama."
Many signatories added their own comments. The following are some examples:
War is not what should be giving the peace prize. Brent L., San Diego, Ca
President Obama made it clear that he does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize and Cancel it ... give it to Bradley Mènningu! Henry B., Portland, Oregon
And Bush Could better or Romney as President, but not the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Arun N., Woodinville, Washington
Awarding President Obama downgraded the prestige, which was once the Nobel Prize as recognition for the best of us. now it is a supportive Pat on the backs of thugs that prowl freely among our Governments. this decision led me to doubt the honesty of all previous nominations and ask whether the entire program Nobel prizes one continuous swindle. Juan F., Arcata, California
His Deeds speak louder than his words. He continued Bush's torture policy and both wars. He sent armed drones in distant lands and only a low probability of kill terrorists, but it is civilians. He does not deserve her. Katherine M., San Diego, Ca
Dronit′ people to death is not peace. William S., New York
Drone Strikes create more terrorists than they consume. Jay J., Roučdejl, Indiana
This man shames the world. What do you think? Sherrill F., Davis, California
He received this award on promises that are not kept. Ron B., Bend, Oregon
As someone who had voted for Obama, I am deeply disappointed. giving him her beforehand, it was a bad decision. Tim K. Long Prairie, Minnesota
Obama-arsonist wars with a smile on his face. John M., Wellington, New Zealand
Please, before Obama, whose hands are tied, start with Henry Kissinger. Bob S., Gibsons, Canada
I voted for Obama – twice. I am very sad to sign this petition, but at heart I believe that made them using drones is completely wrong! Gloria H., Santa Rosa, Ca
Case of Obama at odds with words.Evalyn C., Walnut Creek, Ca
You have lost all your credibility by giving the peace prize to Obama. Correct. Camilo B., Long Beach, Ca
It appears that the preventive work of peace prize just as preventive wars. Džaan K., Alameda, California
Sinclair on "the mother of all financial crises."
Martijn Uittenbogaard head Martin foundation
A Dutch appeals court lifted the ban on the organization that lobbies sexual relationships between adults and children, after coming to the conclusion that it does not violate any of the laws in force in the Netherlands.
Last year, the civil court in the north-eastern city of Assen decided to dissolve Within the Fund, stating that his position was "a serious affront to the values of our society."
But according to Dutch News site, Court of appeal in Leeuwarden loans decided that organization that asserts that it is not engaged in propaganda of sexual abuse, and insists on being a "platform for discussion of paedophilia, can not be outlawed, because its existence is no threat to society.
The Court agreed with arguments that the lobbying organization, paedophilia, really went against "certain principles of the Dutch criminal justice system", but referred to the fact that the company has enough power to counter such "undesirable statements and disgusting behavior", not banning them.
And although some of its members were sentenced to imprisonment on articles providing for liability for child pornography, the Court considered that the words and pictures on the website do not violate any laws.
Chapter organization Martijn Uittenbogaard said that 60 members of the Association will hold a meeting to decide on further action.
Christian organizations said they would continue their attempts to change the law and ban associations whose activity causes in the country wide protest.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
As a result of oral suction circumcision Rite Hebrew blood after two more children Zara
Over the past three months in New York, another two children contracted the deadly herpes virus after a controversial religious ceremony oral circumcision.
These cases brought the score up to 13 such incidents in the year 2000, in two of which the children received severe brain damage, and two died from a virus that spreads rapidly in the body of the child, even doesn't have a full immune system.
Ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of ritual "mecica b'pe" requires the practitioner to suck the blood from a baby's penis after circumcision, to "cleanse the wound, which makes them vulnerable to the virus.
Department of health reports that in one of two recent cases of child contracted a virus which caused fever and tissue damage in seven days after the procedure. Later, he was diagnosed with herpes simplex virus type 1. This virus differs from the second type of virus, which is transmitted through sexual contact.
"The newborn child Herpes can lead to serious illness and even death," said a specialist from the Department of physical and mental health of New York Jay Varma. "The reason for this is that the child does not have the same advanced immune system as an adult. As a result, the virus quickly spreads through the body.
According to him, now still too early to tell whether permanent damage was caused to the health of the child.
The identity of the Rabbi who performed the ritual, the parents of the boy victim lurks, hindering the Department's intervention, he added.
This religious practice comprises more than five thousand years, and the Department of health warns that a safe way to perform blood from an open wound the appropriation did not exist.
More modern Jews tend to use sterile devices for cleaning wounds or pipette, in contrast to suctioning the blood mouth. Some rabbis, however, strongly defended the original ceremony, calling it a religious freedom and emphasizing its ancient history.
Last September, the Department of health has voted for requiring parental signatures on consent to the ceremony, after the death of two children infected with the virus through this rite of passage.
The parents of two children who recently reportedly did not sign such documents.
According to Rabbi David Cvibelâ, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Jewish organization, Agudath Israel of America, two-thirds of boys born in the Hasidic community of New York, held a ritual circumcision.
The Department of Health said that before they've gotten complaints from parents, who claimed that they were not notified of such variety Rite over their children.
Fake websites and forums. Continued
Cheers!!! We have summer in Astana, as you have the weather? Olga (name of my wife) collects Eve (daughter) for a walk. While Eve was screaming something in there I recorded the video, like cut out but can someone and hear .
News 1. Yesterday finished up all the links to the course "Computer Wizard himself. Just turns out about 70 references, not a little . As you know some site may delete or change the link, and then this page is not available, just not in this video. If there are problems with any reference, by writing to customer support (already in the work) links will be working with the wave of a magic wand
News 2. The video is on the DVD and in electronic form. You can buy immediately or naložkoj-to you will send my drive and then only on its mail his pay.
That's all there is to it. See you soon!
Monday, April 8, 2013
El-Erian: market growth is artificially
The impressive growth of the stock market is "artificial", they are motivated by ultra-low interest rates of central banks, said President and managing investment company Pimco's Mohamed El-Erian.
In the future the market will need more "genuine" growth as strong corporate balance sheets and sustainable economic activity, with less "supporting" growth on the part of central bankers, writes El-Erian said in a blog post on CNBC. This change is likely to happen in the United States, but will not happen any time soon in Europe.
Although the Dow Jones in the first quarter rose to 1987 with year's best mark, while the Standard & poor's 500 index jumped by 10 percent to investors, he said, "one has only to look at some other figures for the quarter, to feel the unprecedented and artificial nature of today's capital markets."
The stock market boom has coincided with a sustained ultra low yield on bonds, namely, the 10-year Treasury bonds fell by 1.85 percent, 10-year German Government bonds is at 1.29 percent, while the price of gold rose to $1,596 an ounce.
Where does such an unusual combination of shares, bonds and gold prices? Central banks, notably the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, will risk taking, lifting stock prices despite the slow economic recovery, the eurozone crisis recurring and ongoing anxiety about geopolitical risks.
In the coming weeks, he said, we'll get a better idea of whether the recovery is accelerating, and are the central banks continue to support asset prices. El-Erian predicts that they express their readiness to continue to support economic growth and employment.
"Actually the pledge is not difficult," he explains. Is much more difficult to steady the ability of central banks to retain control of a number of competing and conflicting forces.
He also said that investors have no historical precedents and reliable models to predict the future.
The volume and scope of operations of the central banks is unprecedented. Previously unimaginable means of capital controls were imposed one of the eurozone countries, and analysts remain concerned the geopolitical risks, "he writes, referring to Afghanistan, North Korea, Pakistan and Syria.
Although Central Bank intervention is sometimes necessary, he asserts, actions must be strong enough to compensate for the dysfunction of the Congress and foreign constraints. But when they are too strong, they will affect the functioning and integrity of the markets. "
Other commentators also called artificial market today, secured only low interest rates. Feda But Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the policy of low rates is not Fedrezerva naduvaniem the stock bubble.
"The stock market there is nothing contrary to historical patterns," the Washington Times quoted the words of Bernanke.
Bernanke noted that share prices below all historical figures, if you make an adjustment for inflation.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
That Russia wanted to say its military exercises in the Black Sea
After his participation in the Summit of the BRICS, conducted in SOUTH AFRICA March 28, 2013, Russian President Putin ordered the holding of military exercises in the Black Sea. At his command warships moved from the Ukrainian Sevastopol Bay. It was reported that three more maneuvers in the Russian territorial waters involving 36 warships and more than 7 thousands of troops. The President's Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov said that, on the basis of international practice, pre-trial alert Black Sea coastal countries to hold the exercises had not been deemed necessary because the troop strength should not exceed 7 thousand.
Peskov explained that the purpose of the exercise was to strengthen the military power of the Russian Navy, with the following wording: "The biggest of all time exercises is to validate our fleet's abilities to perform tasks in the event of war. Indeed, after the August 2008 war in Georgia broke out discussions on the modernization of the Russian army. But according to some analysts, after the Georgian war became obvious weakness of the Russian army, tried to maintain control over the former Soviet region.
Last month Russian Army conducted routine military exercises, in which the armed forces participated in the Central and interior parts of the country. The Chief of the General staff of the armed forces of Russia Valery Gerasimov said that these teachings had revealed a number of system errors and omissions in the army. It can be stated that Russia and Putin is acting in accordance with the continuity of earlier responses and makes significant investment in terms of military expenditure and modernization of the army. In addition, the modernization of the army within the next 10 years, Moscow has formed a 600 billion euro budget. Also, recent exercises designed to become the showcase of the surviving image of the Russian army, which has been criticized for ineffectiveness during the war in Georgia.
Reflection of the Black Sea military exercises on the Mediterranean region
It can be said that these teachings are interregional message, taking into account the agreement on relations between the countries of the Black Sea region and preserving stability in the Black Sea. Assuming that there are some new developments in the Middle East and the Syrian crisis, more useful to pay attention to the Middle East and the Mediterranean, not the Black Sea.
As if Recalling the last month due to a conflict in Syria Moscow decided on the permanent presence of combat ships in the Mediterranean Sea, a decision that has sparked heated debate. Some experts have described the decision as "a step Russia Kremlin on return to the Mediterranean Sea, and other authors have noted that" Russia does not have the strength to keep ships here. " The decision to hold military exercises in the Black Sea taken aboard the plane on the way to the Summit of the BRICS, transmits the message, therefore, that the army and Russia's armed forces are strong enough to protect its geopolitical role and ready for a possible military scenarios.
In the current situation of civil war, which has been progressing for more than two years, in the framework of Russian foreign policy is based on the desire to avoid foreign intervention. Moscow, set a goal to implement a plan to seat at the table through political dialogue in Syria, supporters and opponents of the regime complies with the terms of the Geneva agreement signed following the meeting in June of the year 2012 and intends to bring the positions of international actors to a common denominator.
February 13, 2013, when the Foreign Ministers of the Arab League met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, they compromised by agreeing with the idea that representatives of the regime and its opponents will to negotiate. However, the fact that at the recent Summit the President of the national coalition of LAS Syrian revolutionary and opposition forces Muadh Al-Khatib was given Syria's empty chair, said of Russia's attempts to tŝëtnosti when evaluating their diplomatic isolation in the context of the Assad regime. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksander Lukashevich said in his comments that the LEAGUE's decision runs counter to the common understanding of the need for a peaceful and political settlement in Syria, which, in particular, happens in the framework of the Geneva Agreement "Group action" on Syria from June 30, 2012 year.
In addition to providing Syria's empty seat at the Summit, the leader of the opposition, the LAG of the Kremlin in the presence of actors like the global and regional level, are attracted to England and France to lift the embargo on arms supplies to Syria. Moreover, it was emphasized that according to the concept of foreign policy, revised and published last month, the Russian foreign policy activity will concentrate on the elements of "soft power"; It is clear that elements of the "hard power" will retain its hardness at least in the short term. Similarly, Moscow relies on economic and military power to be "influential subject of international relations", referring to the bitter memories of the real experience of the Balkans 1990-ies. and then Russia's inability to prevent the unilateral initiatives of Western countries. From that point of view, Russia to be part of the solution to the Syrian crisis as important finds at the request of the "great powers" to negotiate with both the United States and the EU and NATO.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Due to a shortage of explosives, the Pentagon may be forced to give away supplies of explosive material on load
A recent Pentagon review disclosed that the Ministry of Defense of the United States, probably exhausted possible domestic producers of so-called "energetic materials" used in military ammunition. This can lead to the fact that the United States will have to rely on foreign suppliers of components such as explosives, gunpowder, Fireworks and other similar ingredients.
"A large number of materials are at risk of becoming unavailable to the Ministry in the next few years," says oglašënnyh, Deputy Minister of defense procurement, technology and logistics by Frank Kendellom in February 2012.
The research team collected for investigation, included representatives from all branches of the army, United States special operations command, all the big defensive Agency, NASA and the Department of energy. As a result of the investigation, the Commission has identified 181 material as being "at risk", four of them as being "in the zone of critical risk". Moreover, the report indicates that 131 of the 181 materials are produced or sole supplier in the United States or foreign producers.
"The supply chain is very fragile, and in the foreseeable future will remain in this State," reads the report.
Although specific materials that most interest the Pentagon, have not been disclosed, officials in the United States Army's 2010 year mentioned triaminotrinitrobenzin, TATB, or lead azide and Calcium silicide among energy resources that do not have a domestic producer or have only one.
The Pentagon faces a dilemma – should it subsidize certain American suppliers if their goods are deemed indispensable.
The Commission concluded, "it is hard to predict when and where the American industry energy materials will collapse because of the large number of potential points of failure. She said, "requires a comprehensive solution for the level of the Ministry of defence, involving local producers.
According to the Director of the Division of land warfare and José González, the Pentagon already is taking action to revive domestic production of TATB by requesting the assistance of artillery Technology Consortium is a public-private partnership that includes the 214 companies involved.
The members of the Consortium was asked to suggest ways of production and an acceptable quality of TATB, and one American contractor, BAE Systems ' Ordnance that can meet this requirement. According to Gonzales, Halston, in Tennessee, where the Army ammunition plant, has already produced the first 200 kilograms of this material, and they are likely to meet military specifications.
Despite the filing, outsourcing is not a new phenomenon for the Pentagon. From 2007 to 2011, according to the report members of the House of representatives Chris Murphy, the Ministry of defence has given hundreds of thousands of bounce "buy American Act" that cost the jobs of many Americans. According to him, the consequence of 161 thousand failures during this period, 53.5 billion dollars went to foreign suppliers, leading to the loss of 620 jobs in America.
What is slash
Hello! Talk with you today about what is slash. This is the key, which is responsible for writing the character "/". Looking at the keyboard, it can find a few, usually it "hides" either near the Shift to the right, just below the "Enter" if it has a g-shaped. Accepted that the slash is the key to entering the mother tongue layout puts the point in the sentence.
In order to enter a slash character, you should switch to the English keyboard layout, then press the corresponding key without any Shift or other additional buttons. In the classic keyboard has two keys-slash and bèksleš (backslash), which is the button with the symbol "\". Often on the same button in the new versions of keyboards is a normal slash and some of the other characters, but they are not interested in.
In some layouts, often on laptops has a slash without switching the input function on the English keyboard layout. Holding the Shift key and typing the symbol, we obtain a slash without switching languages.
Where is slash?
Longtime computer users will recall times of d:. They probably don't have to remind what a slash and why you need it, and so they all know perfectly well. For those who have not experienced these – slash is applied in many cases.
For example, when you want to put a fraction (Division), indicate the relevance of concepts (rather than consumption and/or etc) for spelling acronyms, as operator of the separation in a multitude of programming languages known and so on. Working in DOS, many accustomed to the "/" key functionality, which, for example, the shared folder names when entering a directory. In programming this button simply irreplaceable and is used very often.
What is the difference between the slash and bèksleš?
Bèksleš is usually located above the Enter key. Unlike the slash "/", it is the reverse form "\". This sign is used to indicate the difference between a mathematical function sets. She may have other roles in the construction of the text, everything here may depend on its specificity, but bèksleš not so often used as an ordinary slash. Also, quite often it can be used in various games in the console.
Do not confuse these two keys, for example, when you enter a code or a directory. Sometimes when you type the address for the browser itself detects the error and replace backslashes to slash line. However, the purpose of these marks are quite different, and this should be remembered.
If you go to any disk, I get the "d:\", and if you go to the website http://useroff.com, we can notice that slashes are different. You have to understand that.
So, now you know what a ' slash ', how to find it on the keyboard, what does this sign. In fact many applications, it is much larger than previously described. This button is a great feature, but because it is not superfluous to the layout.
On this I have everything yet!
P.S.: remember the old and good game Mortal Combat .
To receive the latest articles to your email inbox, please enter your e-mail:
Regards, Alexander Kozlov
Time bomb in the junk bond market
When the crisis hit dotcom (Internet companies) or when the mortgage bubble has burst, the market had always been Cassandras who can recognize the problem in advance and either made money or wrote the book, warning of impending trouble.
Unlike the previous "bubbles" today "bubble" highly profitable and risky bonds (junk bonds) is inflated with the tacit consent of the majority investors and politicians are well aware of what all this might end.
This year sales of junk bonds have risen from around the world, from Asia to Europe. The growing popularity of junk bonds is, for the most part, a direct result of the actions of Western Governments. Some 12 trillion United States was uploaded into the global financial system by central banks around the world since the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, in an attempt to save the banks and keep interest rates.
The result of these actions ended up increasing inflation and record-low yields on Government, so even the most conservative investors have been forced to take risks to keep their capital to get at least some profit.
In addition, banks began to lend to private investors who want to get as much profit from owning junk bonds. In Asia, such lending has become the norm among local and international banks. Experienced investors call these newbies "dumb money" because of the enthusiasm that these new investors are buying up highly risky mortgage bonds from European banks.
The most famous case of this enthusiasm became Barclays issue 10-summer shareware convertible bonds worth 3 billion United States dollars. Wanting to buy these bonds were so numerous that they managed to sell at a price five times higher than face value.
A substantial part of the demand for these bonds accounted for by private Asian banks, whose customers did not want to miss the opportunity to become British Bank bondholders to yield 7.625 percent annual interest. "Asia will buy any piece of paper, which has a yield of 8 percent annual interest, because it is considered good luck. For them, it is rather like gambling. So they arranged ", — says the employee of one of the banks.
This behavior not only scares the market speculators, but also more conservative parties, such as pension funds and insurance companies. Managing one insurance company in a private conversation, reported that the company's results are harder to invest. "It's a real headache. We have fixed obligations and to meet them, we have to have a certain rate of return. A few years ago the US yield we can get from securities rated BBB. Today the same yield paper are rated BB or below, "he says.
And finally the last confirmation razduvaûŝego bubble in the junk bond market is an event at the market of bank personnel. Last week, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) induced the former head of junk bond sales units of UBS. Because RBS, like other big banks, is earning some decent money on junk bond sales. You don't have to be an expert to understand what all this will end.
New feature + gift
Hello dear readers! This entry will be short, because today I want to present to your attention yet another entry on his blog. I constantly write mail to various questions that I try to answer, but not all.
Why not all? Many aspects of the computer not to say one or two sentences, and if you are a beginner, you'll need to write a text for an entire article. That's got to master. Decided on the blog topic "install and configure" would be helpful. Now in this category will write answers in the form of articles.
How do you know who leaves the "sad" comment with me gift 100 rubles. Today there is a winner — Natalia (e-mail: Taaa ... ... @yandex. ru). CONGRATS! Contact me at mail and I will send you a free gift.
I already finish, but remembered a letter of thanks for the video that stick after articles. Here's another: pozitivčika
Regards, Alexander Kozlov
Friday, April 5, 2013
So what became of the missing victims of the attacks of 9/11?
After more than 11 years after the catastrophic destruction of the World Trade Center, New York City Government finally puzzled over the question: what's to happen to 1116 disappeared in him a victim?
Every time in history was the collapse of the building, all the dead bodies were extracted from the rubble of more-or-less intact. The reason is that the crumbling buildings of human bodies are crushed, but not break down into tiny particles, or disappear without a trace.
However, the most famous "September 11, 2001 collapse of buildings in history has somehow led to the extinction of more than 1 thousand magical bodies of victims. Despite rigorous efforts to "perekopke" the sifting and found a piece of skin or nail fragments and splinters of bone, though one of these bodies.
But this is not the only mystery. Little remains of the 1634 of the WTC which have not disappeared completely. Bòl′šaâ of human remains discovered and identified by DNA, in the form of tiny particles, raspylënnyh, not the entire phone.
That happened almost 3 thousand human bodies subjected to annihilation in time disappearance ten-second 110-storey towers? Answer: the same as with Office furniture, cabinets for storing documents, phones, computers and other contents of the skyscrapers. There was virtually no residues and found these objects. They, as a body of people somehow turned into a mixture of tiny splinters and less than 100 Micron dust, otnesënnoe to the sea and slowly osevšee in the Atlantic Ocean. As one proseivatelej-excavators upon meeting one another, the largest part of the Office environment, your extracted from ground zero, was a tiny fragment of a telephone keypad.
Today, more than 11 years later, the Government of New York finally acknowledges the existence of mysteries. Memorandum to the families of the victims of 9/11, New York official Casey Holloway announced that this Monday, April 1, Chief Medical examiner of the city of medicine will begin to dump fresh Killz on Staten Island sifting the ruins of the World Trade Center designs, standing up for their outward flight 60 trucks. According to a representative of the city, they hope to find the remains of at least part of the 1116 victims.
Unfortunately, the chances of finding any significant new deaths seem weak. In the end, the wreckage of the twin towers is that weight was less than 50 percent of the towers (what happened to the rest of the masses?) had already been carefully sifted and dug more than 10 years ago. The decision of the city to sift the wreckage of buildings, starting from April 1, carries no likeness to the spring of George w. Bush's decision to drop the toggle flat pose to look under my desk is not Iraqi WMD. Is this some kind of cruel joke?
No squashed, but the entire human bodies, Office furniture and equipment, as well as 50 percent of the mass of Towers suggests that the Twins didn't hit, they exploded. This may explain why the entire roof of the adjacent building, Deutsche Bank, was discovered in the year 2006, dotted with tiny fragments of human bone. Couldn't a simple gravitational collapse, laid the basis for the conclusions of the official government report NIST (National Institute of standards and technology; CA. mixednews.ru), smash skeletons to pieces and lead to the deposition of these splinters across the roof of the adjacent building.
Whether the twin towers and thousands of them were blown up into small pieces using explosives? It is in this belief, many members of the families of the victims of 9/11. Robert Mcilvaine, whose son Bobby perished in the twin towers on Sept. 11, said that about half of the family members shared the suspicion that the towers were demolished by explosion during a terrorist attack under a false flag. The famous Hero of September 11, William Rodriguez, who spoke with hundreds of thousands of people around the world, is another representative of the survivors of 9/11, claiming evidence of "controlled demolition" are an open secret.
Scientist Carl Sagan once commented that "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." But sometimes the lack of evidence is conclusive evidence of guilt. The absence of entire bodies of offices and one half of the mass of the contents of the twin towers is irrefutable evidence confirming that the towers were demolished by explosion.
Missing content and weight of the twin towers is not the only mysterious "lack" associated with 11 September. Other notable missing evidence "includes:
▪ No more than 80 videos of the American Government, where footage of the attack on the Pentagon, some of which were seized by FBI agents just moments after the attack. Were published only a few frames, and frames is only visible on the explosion at the Pentagon, but not a big airliner.
▪ Lack of 100 000 kg passenger Boeing 757, which was considered to be crashed into the Pentagon. There is not a single film with these 100-ton airliner wreckage or human remains and aircraft baggage of passengers who are ever cleaned from any of the three separate from each other far away areas of the Pentagon.
▪ Lack of 100 000 kg airliner Boeing 757 that supposedly has left in the soft soil under shallow crater with a diameter of 15 feet (4.6 m approx.) in Šènksville, Pennsylvania. There is no evidence that the proposed site falls out of the ground 100 tons of debris has been removed, however, liner, what remains of the passengers and baggage.
▪ Lack of official lists of Airlines passengers, security cameras filming materials stubs of tickets, airline employees or evidence of any actual evidence that 19 young Arabs, people indicted in the Sept. 11 terrorist acts in General, were in the aircraft.
▪ The lack of audio recordings of the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency), reporting to each other about what they have experienced on September 11. These records were seized by the FAA, finely cut, and then scattered in many widely separated trash bins is that they never could collect and restore.
▪ Lack of neuničtožimyh "black boxes" of the aircraft that crashed into the twin towers. The u.s. Government claims that these flight information devices have not been found, but the first response was that they were available when they found and seized the FBI agents.
▪ The lack of most important evidence referred to by the Government – audio and video recordings of protracted torture sessions and written confessions, false scenario feeble-minded "9/11" mastermind Abu Zubejdy and his "Comrade", "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA acknowledges that it illegally destroyed these records, anonymous posts are about second hand in a report to the Commission on 11 September as his only evidence confirming the version with the 19 hijackers.
▪ The lack of even a plausible and innocent explanation for the premature post on the BBC about the decaying Building No. 7 World Trade Center, Larry Sil′verstajna's recognition that he was simply swept away by the WTC-7 and (of course) clearly controlled character of the demolition of this building.
In each of these cases, as in the case of the missing victims 1116 – absence of evidence is irrefutable proof of guilt.
Government of the United States now faces a complete lack of legitimacy.
Fake websites and forums
Hello dear readers! This entry will be short, because today I want to present to your attention yet another entry on his blog. I constantly write mail to various questions that I try to answer, but not all.
Why not all? Many aspects of the computer not to say one or two sentences, and if you are a beginner, you'll need to write a text for an entire article. That's got to master. Decided on the blog topic "install and configure" would be helpful. Now in this category will write answers in the form of articles.
How do you know who leaves the "sad" comment with me gift 100 rubles. Today there is a winner — Natalia (e-mail: Taaa ... ... @yandex. ru). CONGRATS! Contact me at mail and I will send you a free gift.
I already finish, but remembered a letter of thanks for the video that stick after articles. Here's another: pozitivčika
Regards, Alexander Kozlov