Friday, April 12, 2013

In the United States have reported the disappearance of at least half of the entire population of bees

Screen-Shot-2013-02-23-at-7.31.48-PMScientists and beekeepers are perplexed by the collapse of bee colonies Syndrome (CCD), which is characterized by the sudden disappearance of hive populations work.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States, CCD symptoms include lack of or limited the presence of adults, however, the presence in hives of honey bees and immature, which implies the sudden abandonment of the Beehive adult bees. Be that as it may, the bees are found nowhere else, they just disappear and die somewhere.

Normally, the uterus does not drop out, and being able to create a new population, she dies.

Syndrome with 1970 's greatly reduces the population of bees, and with them disappear the year 2006 has skyrocketed. Now, going back to their hives to prepare them for spring pollination phase, found that at least half of their vanished bees.

The year 2013 marks the biggest bee populations, which have reported at least a 50 percent loss of all European honey bees in the United States.

Bee population decline was generally 5-10 per cent annually. After 2006, this rate has increased by approximately one third. This year, it is half of the entire population.

Casualty rates in 50 percent are critical, after which, as they say, it will have already bee influence on prices.

Bees are important because they pollinate most of fruits and vegetables. They also produce honey, is widely used as a sweetener when cooking pastries and many other products.

Some beekeepers blamed pesticides, especially a class known as neonikotinoidy. Neonikotinoidy are a form of kblokiruûŝie pesticides in insects, nerves paralyzing them so that they slowly starve to death. Beekeepers believe their bees are exposed to the pesticide and die as a result.

Others believe that the causes can be a more complex combination of natural and human factors.

While the cause remains undetermined, implications and already there are clear. Sharp decline in populations of bees means less pollination of crops. This means less food and rising prices for fruits and vegetables near the end of the year.


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